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SEO Tips for Beginners

Last update: 2022-02-28

Are you designing a website in the website builder? With the FREE plan, you have all the necessary SEO settings available to help you optimize your pages for search engines. Importantly, you can follow these steps before purchasing a BASIC or PRO plan and thus prepare all pages for search engines before connecting your domain.

The pages you create in AMPjump builder are maximally optimized for search engines. We have implemented a number of solutions that make websites search-engine-friendly and indexed quickly by robots. Including 100% responsiveness of websites, HTTPS security and the best quality and speed parameters of websites.

We strongly encourage you to make some necessary minor optimization changes to the pages yourself. This is important because each website should be unique in terms of content.

7 SEO Tips for beginners

Follow the 7 steps for beginners to present your pages well in the search engine and improve their rankings.

1. Complete the meta titles and descriptions for all pages of your site.

Each page should have a unique title and description. They are shown to users in the search engine results and they tell the robots what the page is about.

2. Give your pages user-friendly URLs.

Instead of technical URLs given when creating a new page, change them into your own readable, simple, easy URLs.

3. Specify the language of each page.

Each page should have the language selected in which the content is written on it.

See: How to set page language

4. Take care of the priority of the headers.

Prioritize the most important headings on your page from most important to least important by H1, H2, H3 ... remembering that the H1 header can only appear once per page and should be placed highest, preferably in the first section below the navigation.

5. Add ALT texts for all images on pages.

Describe each image with alternative text that is used by image search engines.

See: How to add ALT texts for images

6. Create a 404 page.

Create a custom error page 404 to be displayed when someone calls an invalid URL on your site.

7. Add a favicon for the website.

Add the tiny icon that is displayed in the browsers tab.

See: How to add favicon to website

Create your own website in Aligata page builder.


Aligata is a website building platform that offers an easy-to-use creator, built-in tools and integrations, stable hosting, and technical support. You can easily create beautiful, fast, and search engine optimized websites.